Especializa Treinamentos - Java, PHP, Linux, Android, Javascript, HTML5, PostgreSQL, Oracle, Front-End, WebMobile, CSS3, Joomla, Python, Scrum, Teste de Software, Ubuntu, LPI, Zend Certification, SCJP, Facebook API

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Java Certified Programmer

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Conquiste um pleno diferencial no mercado. Seja um OCP especialista em Java.
Ao final deste curso você terá plenas condições de enfrentar o exame 1Z0-804 que vai lhe auferir o título de OCP - Oracle Certified Professional, Java SE 7 Programmer


Java Class Design
- Use access modifiers: private, protected, and public
- Override methods
- Overload constructors and other methods appropriately
- Use the instanceof operator and casting
- Use virtual method invocation
- Override methods from the Object class to i mprove the functionality of your class
- Use package and import statements

Advanced Class Design
- Identify when and how to apply abstract classes
- Construct abstract Java classes and subclasses
- Use the static and final keywords
- Create top-level and nested classes
- Use enumerated types

Object-Oriented Design Principles
- Write code that declares, implements and/or extends interfaces
- Choose between interface inheritance and class inheritance
- Develop code that implements "is-a" and/or "has-a" relationships
- Apply object composition principles
- Design a class using the Singleton design pattern
- Write code to implement the DAO pattern
- Design and create objects using a factory, and use factories from the API

Generics and Collections
- Create a generic class
- Use the diamond syntax to create a collection
- Analyze the interoperability of collections that use raw type and generic types
- Use wrapper classes and autoboxing
- Create and use a List, a Set and a Deque
- Create and use a Map
- Use java.util.Comparator and java.lang.Comparable
- Sort and search arrays and lists

String Processing
- Search, parse and build strings
- Search, parse, and replace strings by using regular expressions, using expression patterns for matching limited to: . (dot), * (star), + (plus), ?, \d, \D, \s, \S, \w, \W, \b. \B, [], ().
- Format strings using the formatting parameters: %b, %c, %d, %f, and %s in format strings.

Exceptions and Assertions
- Use throw and throws statements
- Use the try statement with multi-catch, and finally clauses
- Autoclose resources with a try-with-resources statement
- Create custom exceptions
- Test invariants by using assertions

Java I/O Fundamentals
- Read and write data from the console
- Use streams to read and write files

Java File I/O (NIO.2)
- Use the Path class to operate on file and directory paths
- Use the Files class to check, delete, copy, or move a file or directory
- Read and change file and directory attributes
- Recursively access a directory tree
- Find a file by using the PathMatcher class
- Watch a directory for changes by using WatchService

Building Database Applications with JDBC
- Define the layout of the JDBC API
- Connect to a database by using a JDBC driver
- Update and query a database
- Customize the transaction behavior of JDBC and commit transactions
- Use the JDBC 4.1 RowSetProvider, RowSetFactory, and RowSet interfaces

- Create and use the Thread class and the - Runnable interface
- Manage and control thread lifecycle
- Synchronize thread access to shared data
- Identify potential threading problems

- Use java.util.concurrent collections
- Apply atomic variables and locks
- Use Executors and ThreadPools
- Use the parallel Fork/Join Framework

- Read and set the locale by using the Locale object
- Build a resource bundle for each local
- Load a resource bundle in an application
- Format text for localization by using NumberFormat and DateFormat


Conhecimentos prévios recomendados:
- Ter feito ou possuir conhecimentos compatíveis com a disciplina Java Programmer
- É recomendado ter feito também a disciplina Java Developer uma vez que assuntos como Threads e Input/Output vistas nela constumam ser pontos críticos no exame de certificação. Além de dar amadurecimento para o programador Java encarar um preparatório para a prova com mais segurança prática.
- Para estar apto a realizar este exame oficial, você precisará já ter a certificação OCA - Oracle Certified Associate, Java SE 7 Programmer
- Conheça nosso curso preparatório para a esta certificação: Java Certified Associate

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